At Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering, OH, we’re focused on keeping your car, truck, or SUV running well - but we’re here to keep it looking good too. Here’s some information on wheel sizing, to help you make sure your new wheels will fit your vehicle.
You’ve heard the term “slipping transmission” before, and you know it’s nothing good. What exactly does a transmission slip feel like, and how much of a problem is it if your transmission is slipping? At Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering, OH, our expert technicians have diagnosed and repaired every type of transmission issue in the book. Here’s a short explanation of transmission slippage, and what action you should take to get rid of it.
Car enthusiasts would argue that "those were the days". Everything you drove was built like a tank and had the chrome on it so you enjoyed washing it but NO power steering. For most of us, it is hard to remember life without power steering – cranking those great big steering wheels? It was a pretty good workout. Now power steering is standard. The heart of any power steering system is its pump. The pump pressurizes the power steering fluid that provides assistance for steering. Most pumps are driven by a belt that is run by the engine – a few are electrically powered. A high-pressure hose passes fluid from the pump to the steering gear. A low-pressure hose returns the fluid back to the pump. Here at Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering, OH we know that you depend on that power steering and check your fluid & hoses religiously!
Travelling can be difficult, and traveling can be fun. The difference usually comes down to how much preparation you do in advance, and how many unplanned obstacles you meet along the way. A great way to avoid setbacks, mishaps, and stressful situations is to make sure your car, truck, or SUV is ready to hit the road. Here are some important points to check before travelling, from Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering, OH.
At Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering, OH, transmissions are our specialty. That means knowing how they work, how they wear out, what wears them out, and how to fix it. In this article, we’ll explore the way stop and go traffic affects your transmission.
Have you always wondered what a spark plug does? Our team here at Gateway Auto Clinic is here to help you out. It's simple in theory but does quite a lot of work for such a small piece of equipment. Your spark plug forces electricity to arc across a gap like a bolt of lightning at high voltage and fits into your engine's cylinder head, where it “sparks” to ignite the fuel and creates combustion within your engine. Without it, you wouldn't be able to drive your car or truck.
At Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering, transmissions are our game, and taking care of them is at the top of our list of priorities. Here are 5 things you can do to take care of your transmission, from the pros:
At Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering, OH, we recommend always making it a priority to change your oil on time. Here’s a look into why it’s so important, and what happens if you don’t keep up with oil changes.
Sludge - If oil stays in an engine too long, sludge begins to build up anywhere oil can go. The oil absorbs tiny debris and contaminants, kind of like a liquid sponge - once it’s at capacity, that oil begins to stick, clog, and build up throughout the engine. Small veins that carry oil to components like actuators, turbos, and bearings will become blocked, starving critical components of oil and causing component or engine failure.
4750 Wilmington Pike
| Kettering, OH
(937) 435-8094
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