Transmissions are one of the more mysterious and unknown aspects of automotive engineering, to most people. In the modern world, this is more true than ever, making technicians with expertise in transmission maintenance and repair more of a necessity than a convenience. At Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering, our technicians have the skill, knowledge, and equipment necessary to diagnose and repair any sort of transmission issue you may be experiencing with your Dodge, Chevrolet, or Ford diesel pickup.
Unless you use your vehicle to tow every day for work, odds are you haven’t paid much attention to your truck, SUV, or crossover’s towing capacity. Maybe you’re looking to buy a boat for some summer fun or just need to rent a trailer to get your belongings from one dwelling to the next. Whatever the reason for pulling something behind your vehicle, it’s important to get a firm grasp on what exactly your towing capacity means. Understanding how each of the components in your vehicle contributes to your overall tow rating can keep you from putting undue stress on your rig and keep you and your family safe.
The differentials on your Ford, Chevrolet, or Dodge diesel pickup are some of the hardest working components on your truck. At Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering, our technicians are experts in maintaining, repairing, and replacing differentials, keeping your truck working reliable just as much as you do.
All trucks, from a Chevy S-10, to the largest, heavy-duty trucks on the road, are classified into categories. Trucks are categorized by weight into classifications 1-9, and each grade comes with its own set of regulations and license requirements. Here’s a quick guide, from Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering.
Something will go wrong with your car, truck, or SUV eventually. The important thing is knowing what to do, and how to deal with it. Just knowing what to do in a situation often means the difference between a quick repair and thousands of dollars worth of work. If you see steam coming from under the hood, it’s important to deal with it appropriately and quickly. Here’s what’s going on, and what to do, from Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering, OH.
Two things matter when mounting new tires on your truck or commercial vehicle. First, you want it done right. Second, you want it done fast. For both, Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering, OH has you covered.
Once you have a set of new tires installed on your commercial truck or fleet vehicle, you’ll want to get the most out of them. By maintaining them correctly and inspecting them regularly, you’ll keep them on the road for many miles to come. At Gateway Auto Clinic in Kettering, OH we want you to be able to drive on your tires for miles, so let us help you do just that!
4750 Wilmington Pike
| Kettering, OH
(937) 435-8094
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